About Repeat Prescriptions




Bridge Street Medical Centre only accepts prescription requests from 10am to 4pm (if you submit the request after this time, it will be processed the following day).

Repeat Medication is usually dealt with within 5 working days (excluding Bank Holidays/Weekend) If your medication review is due it might delay the process. Further, we can issue scripts a maximum of two weeks prior to the due date. 

Medication Requests that are not on repeat can take up to 10 working days - Please monitor your mobile phone - you might receive a text/call from our team asking for further information or to complete an online query


Request Medication/Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions refers to medication which your doctor has agreed can be requested on a repeat basis without you needing to see or speak to a doctor each time. Most medication that is needed long-term will be placed on repeat.

Request Medication Online

how to order repeat prescriptions

Other ways to re-order your repeat prescriptions online:

But there are other methods available if you do not have access to your records online, please scroll down for further information.


Medication reviews

All repeat prescriptions require a medication review at set intervals, in order to monitor effectiveness and medication side effects. Medication reviews are usually annual, but may be more frequent for higher-risk drugs.

Medication reviews are different for different medications. Some require a blood test or other test such as blood pressure. Others are more straightforward and can be done over the phone as a routine appointment with your GP.

Once your medication review is up-to-date the GP can re-authorise another year's worth of medication.


Medicines available over-the-counter

Cambridge and Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) strongly recommend that we do not prescribe medications that are available over the counter. This kind of medication frequently costs the NHS more to prescribe than it costs patients to buy. The ICS have also asked us to remove medication of this kind from repeat prescriptions; this is policy across the NHS nationally, with the aim of saving money for other essential services.


Ordering repeat prescriptions

You may re-order your repeat prescriptions in the following ways:

If you set up electronic repeat dispensing you will not need to use any of these routes as your prescriptions will re-order automatically as long as they are in-date.

Please remember that it takes 2 working days to process a prescription request. We ask that you plan ahead when requesting repeat medication so that you do not run out of essential items. 


Getting hold of your prescriptions

  • We send almost all prescriptions electronically direct to your nominated pharmacy.
  • If you do need to collect a paper prescription from reception, please avoid our peak times (between 8.30am and 10.00am)
  • We can only post prescriptions to you if you supply us with stamped addressed envelopes.
  • Please order well in advance of public holidays to prevent unnecessary calls to the out-of-hours service for emergency supplies of medicines.
  • If your medication review is not up-to-date it is likely that we will ask you to book a telephone appointment for review.
  • Please take any unwanted medication to your usual pharmacy for disposal.